Dandelion and Practices to Channel Anger

Dandelion helps us speak truth to power!

More and more, I believe we’re in need of plant allies that are going to help us continue to navigate life with integrity. Fear or rigidity can keep us stuck. Stuck in the matrix, stuck in relationships that aren’t aligned with our values, stuck— suppressing our creative desire for change.

Meet Dandelion!

Dandelion is an herb that’s all about flow. This plant, on the physical side tends to liver conditions like hepatitis, jaundice, and liver congestion. Because of this it can also tend to skin issues like eczema and psoriasis. 

Key to our understanding of dandelion and herbal medicine is understanding that dandelion is not only working on our physical bodies, but our emotional and spiritual bodies as well. As this plant strengthens our body’s systems, it is also helping us to process anger, finding and flowing our way through moments of conflict, disagreement, or injustice with courage at our forefront. 

Dandelion breaks down walls of fear to create space for us to speak into existence that which will be nourishing and supportive for ourselves and our communities. 

Getting under the hood: Working with dandelion to tend to anger

Tending to our ability to navigate our lives with integrity begins with “unstucking” ourselves. Allow your expression to flow so that you can (re)create your reality. Now here’s the thing we have to choose to be rooted in a liberatory framework if we’re going to do this. Especially when we’re working with a plant like Dandelion. This herb likes to bring things to the surface quickly, even in their most raw form.

A practice for channeling the energy of dandelion

I like to use these tools to guide my work with Dandelion:
1. Set an intention, aspiration, or a goal for the change you want to create.
2. Reflect to understand what the truth of the situation is
3. Care for emotions that are rising so that what you communicate is directly related to the changes you want to create and is not a reflection of reactivity to the situation. Call in supports from ancestors to help you hold space for yourself.
4. Ground yourself. Orient towards your liberatory aspiration.
5. Now, create.

How to Create a Dandelion Root Tincture

A tincture is an amazing way to work with Dandelion Root!

  • Add dried and chopped dandelion root to a mason jar, filling the jar 1/3 way

  • Pour an 80 proof (40%) alcohol over the dandelion root until the liquid reaches near the lip of the jar. Save a little air room

  • Store in a cool, dark, and dry place

  • Shake the jar every day for 6 weeks, speaking your intentions into the medicine

  • After 6 weeks, strain the medicine, transfer the medicine to a dropper bottle

To work with this medicine, take a standard tincture dosage (1 ml) 2-3 times per day. The tincture will be shelf-stable for up to 2 years when stored properly.


Attending a Healer in Every Home