The Herbalists Blog
Discover featured insights on the benefits of medicinal herbs, personalized herbal remedies, and tips for incorporating herbal practices into your daily life. Empower yourself with knowledge that can support you and your community.
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What an Herbalist Brings to a Day Party
I’m an herbalist wherever I go, including my favorite Bay Area parties! So this past August, when the summer sun was packing the heat, I decided to bring two sweet treats for my community to enjoy: a hydrating and sun-protectant facial mist and some immune boosting herbal gummies. Check out my guide on how to turn your herbal medicine into sensational and timely party favors.
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Supporting the Musculoskeletal System using Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine can offer the most support in healing chronic or degenerative experiences of the musculoskeletal system. But here’s a key point! The goal of herbal medicine applications for musculoskeletal support is not solely to relieve pain. Though of course that is a valuable part of any herbal protocol, what herbal medicine does best is solve what is at the root of the issue and lead the body back to a state of balance. There are several herbs that carry helpful properties known as herbal actions that help support the re-balancing of the musculoskeletal system. We’ll check out three of these together!
All About Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a type of fat. In small amounts, it is beneficial for our body’s function. It is one of the building blocks of our cellular membranes (Medical Herbalism, 300), it is needed in order to create hormones which help us remain in homeostasis, and is one of the essential ingredients of bile acids, which help us to digest foods. Cholesterol even helps us to resist illness.